Dear metal heads,


we thank all fans using our Wacken Open Air Service in the past
and say welcome to all new customers of Mondial events&travel.


Here you find the descriptions  for all our Wacken hotel packages.


For  booking and price information please contact  Milena: 


WOA Hotels 2025

Jugendherberge Heide

Heide is a cozy little town with excellent transport links.

The youth hostel (JH) Heide is located about 5 minutes walk from the center Heide. The North Sea, Büsum, Tönning and Friedrichstadt are not far away. The house is reserved exclusively for Mondial guests during the festival. Double rooms with and without bath, 4-bed rooms with and without bath and single beds in 4-bed rooms without bath are available. A washing facility is located in each room. Modern bathrooms and showers are shared for the rooms without bathroom. Including breakfast buffet and packed lunch to take away.

Heide Train Station is 2 km away.

Jugendherberge Heide - Hostel Heide

Poststr. 4
25746 Heide 
Tel: +49 (0) 481 71575




Distance to Wacken 23 km.

Hostel Package

  • 5 nights in booked room category
  • breakfast buffet.
  • take away snack box,
  • Mondial events tour guide in the hostel.
  • 8 transfers from the the hotel to the festival site and back.
    Transfer 25min. Schedule tba.

You can add WOA festival tickets to Hostel Package. Price: EUR 333,-

Start: 29.07.2025

  • 5 nights in a double room with bathroom         
  • 5 nights in a double room without bathroom
  • 5 nights in a quadruple room with bathroom
  • 5 nights in a quadruple room without bathroom
  • 5 nights in a five-bed room with bath 
  • 5 nights in a six-bed room with bath
  • Single bed in shared room without bathroom

Getting to Heide

By Train and car from Hamburg airport or from the central station

  • By train you can reach Heide every hour from Hamburg to Westerland.
  • By car on the A23 at the exit Heide-West, continue to city center / marketplace.
    The JH Heide is signposted. At the JH Heide: free parking.



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